Mint your NFT project in mSOL

We know how cool NFTs are, so we made it possible to mint NFTs using mSOL!

Set up Metaplex Candy Machine with mSOL


  • Download Metaplex or clone it using Git on terminal.

git clone

  • Open your terminal and go to the downloaded Metaplex folder.

  • Build CLI tools.

cd js

yarn install

cd packages/cli

yarn build

Before you upload the metadata and create your candy_machine, you need to make sure that you have the right wallet configuration by using Solana CLI.

  • Once the wallet configuration is done, prepare the metadata and upload them to Arweave (IFPS).

  • Prepare your metadata and create an assets folder with them.

ts-node ./src/candy-machine-cli.ts upload ./assets --env devnet --keypair ~/.config/solana/wallet.json

  • Verify if the metadata were uploaded correctly.

ts-node ./src/candy-machine-cli.ts verify --env devnet --keypair ~/.config/solana/wallet.json

Candy_Machine creation

  • To create a candy_machine with mSOL, you need a treasury account to receive mSOL from the mint. To create the mSOL account for your wallet, use the command below.

spl-token create-account mSoLzYCxHdYgdzU16g5QSh3i5K3z3KZK7ytfqcJm7So

  • Create your candy_machine with price, token address and treasury account address.

ts-node ./src/candy-machine-cli.ts create_candy_machine --env devnet --keypair ~/.config/solana/wallet.json --price 1 --spl-token mSoLzYCxHdYgdzU16g5QSh3i5K3z3KZK7ytfqcJm7So --spl-token-account HeiKAj3ENkAam3rR6q9EtEiSuk2ZEXp87ypQUMBuxpV

  • Finally, you can set the launch time of the mint using the update_candy_machine command.

ts-node ./src/candy-machine-cli.ts update_candy_machine --env devnet --keypair ~/.config/solana/wallet.json --date 1638023250

The update_candy_machine command can also be used to modify the mint price.

Congratulations, your candy machine is now set up in mSOL!

Last updated

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