Stake to Marinade via Fireblocks
In order to stake with Marinade native or mSOL via Fireblocks, you will need:
A Fireblocks Vault account that supports the Solana asset. See Creating a Solana Vault
A Transaction Authorization Policy (TAP) on Fireblocks that authorizes the "Raw" transaction type. See Setting up the Transaction Authorization Policy
Stake SOL on Marinade with WalletConnect
Click on the "Connect wallet" button on the top-right
Select "WalletConnect"
Scan the QR code using your Fireblocks Mobile App
Select the vault that you want to stake from. The vault has to support the Solana asset.
Choose a Default fee between "Medium" and "Fast"
The connection to Marinade's dApp is now initiated and the SOL balance in your Fireblocks vault should reflect on Marinade's dApp
Select "Marinade Native" or "mSOL", depending on the product you want to use.
Input the amount of SOL that you want to stake with Marinade and click on "Stake"
Confirm the transaction using your Fireblocks Mobile App.
Wait for the transaction to go through the blockchain and get confirmed.
Your SOL should now be successfully staked on Marinade.
If you want to unstake, follow the same process as above and just select "Unstake" on one of your active positions on Marinade.
Setting up the Transaction Authorization Policy
Go to Fireblocks settings
Go to "Transaction Policy"
Click on "Edit policy"
Click on the "+" icon to add a new transaction policy
Create a transaction policy for the "Raw" transaction type. Input the desired authorized sources, initiators and signers and select "Allow" (if the transaction does not need to be approved by a designated signer) or "Approved by" (if you want to set a designated signer that will approve the transactions). Click on "Add rule" once you are satisfied with the set up.
Click on "Publish changes", and then "Publish policy" on the modal that follows
Open your Fireblocks Mobile App and click on "View" to see the Policy Change Request
You will be prompted to approve the the Policy Change Request on your Fireblocks console.
Go to your Fireblocks console, open the Transaction policy page and click on "Review policy changes"
Click on "Approve changes"
Open your Fireblocks Mobile App and click on "View"
Click on "Approve" and confirm the action with your PIN and fingerprint.
Your Transaction Authorization Policy is now updated. You can now stake your SOL with Marinade using WalletConnect.
Creating a Solana vault
Go to the Fireblocks console and in the left menu, click on "Accounts"
Click on "Create Vault Account"
Name your Vault and proceed with the creation
Click on "Create wallet"
Input "SOL" and select the SOL token. Click on "Create Wallet"
Your vault now has a Solana address that can be used to deposit funds. Find it by clicking on the "Show deposit addresses" button.
Fund the newly created wallet by sending SOL to that deposit address. Once the SOL is received, you can stake with Marinade using WalletConnect. Make sure your Transaction Authorization Policy is set up.
Last updated
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