Directed Stake

Support a validator through Marinade Directed Stake using locked MNDE.


Directed Stake is a Marinade product that allows MNDE holders to choose a validator they want to support. Whenever you stake to Marinade, you will be able to choose between:

  • The Marinade delegation strategy

  • Directed stake to a validator

If you choose Directed Stake, select a validator, and complete the staking operation. The locked MNDE in your wallet will be directing stake to this validator.

A wallet can only direct stake to one place. If you want to support multiple validators, or support a validator and the Marinade delegation, use multiple wallets. If you want to change the validator you direct stake to, select another validator and stake any amount of SOL to mSOL using directed stake and a new validator. Your wallet will now direct stake to this newly chosen validator. If you wish to stop directing stake, stake any amount of SOL to mSOL and select the algorithmic delegation strategy.

Directed Stake controls 10% of Marinade's delegation. Every epoch, the amount of MNDE being used to direct stake to each validator will be used to share the 10% of stake to be distributed.

This means that depending on the total amount of MNDE being used to direct stake and the amount of SOL that 10% of Marinade's TVL represents, the amount of SOL being delegated to a given validator with locked MNDE will vary.

Directed stake rules

For a validator to be eligible to receive stake from Directed stake, the validator must:

  • Have a commission equal to or lower than 10% in the last 10 epochs

  • Not be blacklisted by Marinade

  • Have at least 80% of the score of the worst-ranked validator that receives Marinade stake algorithmically.

If a validator is receiving stake through Directed stake but requires an emergency unstake, the emergency unstake will be performed and the validator will not receive stake until the criteria to receive stake are met again.


Methods to use Directed stake have been added to Marinade's TS SDK:

You will be able to access data related to Directed stake using this API:

You may also find helpful information in the Delegation strategy API.

Last updated